2022 High School Go 'n' Serve Mission Trip
We’ve missed making wonderful memories on Go ’n’ Serve trips these last two years and are very excited to be getting back on the road in just a few months. Our Go ’n’ Serve trip will be June 5-11 when we will spend a week with the AMEN Center, a community based ministry of Oak Hill Presbyterian Church.
A mission experience week at AMEN St. Louis is jam packed with hands-on service projects, reflection, and education about the issues facing this community. We will have the opportunity to volunteer with local organizations that serve those in the community experiencing homelessness, crisis, poverty, and food insecurity. We’ll reflect on the deeper systems underlying these issues, and we'll grow in faith as we learn together how to be an agent for change. And of course, we will have LOTS of fun! An evening outing for fellowship on our free night will give us time to visit attractions like the Zoo, the Arch, or maybe even a baseball game. Learn more and sign up to serve at http://foxvalleypres.org/youth