Sunday Worship
Our worship service at 10:15 a.m. service is streamed live on our website, Facebook, and YouTube each week.
If you have questions about worship at Fox Valley Presbyterian Church,
please contact Michelle Hwang, Acting Head of Staff, (630) 232-7448.
Fox Valley Presbyterian offers a Christian Education hour with multiple programs for adults as well as children. These include youth confirmation and a high school class, in addition to adult classes. There are typically two or three concurrent education offerings for adults at FVPC.No advance registration is needed and everyone is welcome to drop in to any class that interests them.
This time of worship includes a diversity of ages, with our choirs—Chancel, Bell, children—participating regularly.
We want worship to be a time when the whole church family is together in prayer and praise, scripture and sacrament. All ages are welcome in our worship services, and we will do everything we can to make that as stress-free for caregivers as possible. A “Children’s Time,” when children come to the front of the Sanctuary for a conversation, is included to give our youngest worshipers a special connection to the content of the service. Preschool and elementary age children may leave the Sanctuary after the children’s time for age appropriate faith formation in Sunday School. If needed our nursery is available for children ages 4 and under for some or all of the service. The Upper Gathering SSace just outside of the Sanctuary is a helpful space from which to worship if your little one needs some more space to stretch for part of the service.
The sacrament of Holy Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, with worshipers coming forward to receive the bread and cup. The sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated when pre-arranged with a pastor.
Christmas Services
Fox Valley Presbyterian Church usually celebrates Christmas with two different services.
5:00 and 10:00 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship with Communion
Check the website in December for any possible changes to this tradition.
Online Giving
Click below to be directed to our giving platform.