
The purpose of the music ministry at FVPC is to lead and engage the congregation in the worship of God through the gift of music. We have several organizations and individuals assisting in this mission—the Chancel Choir, the Women’s Ensemble, the Men’s Ensemble, the Joyful Noise Handbell Choir, various instrumentalists, and children and youth participants.

All of these groups participate in worship and provide a wonderful atmosphere as we gather together to give praise and honor to God. Our groups work very hard to prepare and present music that enhances and enlivens our worship services. We give thanks to God for the dedicated members of these groups.


Music with Children

Preschoolers through fifth graders have music woven into their Sunday morning education ministry. They learn engaging songs that support what they are learning in their Bible lessons. Periodically the young disciples will share what they have learned in the 10:15 am worship service.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is a choral group historically made up of singers from high school age through adults. We are open to welcoming middle schoolers with a strong interest in participating as well. Currently rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm.

The Chancel Choir works tirelessly to prepare anthems for our 10:15 am worship service every week from September through the second Sunday in June. Twice a year, in December and in the spring, they present a major music event, usually with outside singers and/or instrumentalists to enhance their work. With the help of many dedicated members and God’s guidance, these presentations are moving and inspiring.

Our Chancel Choir accompanists are John Stombres and Chiayi Lee.


Joyful Noise Handbell Choir

The Joyful Noise Handbell Choir is a group of musicians who meet to play English Handbells. The Choir rehearses weekly on Sundays, 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Our handbell choir is a wonderful addition to worship.

The Choir presents music during worship services from September through June.

Women’s & Men’s Ensembles

The Women’s and Men’s Ensembles rehearse when called together by the Music Director to provide music on occasion for worship from September through May.

These ensembles are open to anyone in the congregation. It is wonderful to hear the sounds of these voices as they present music to glorify God.