A Sampling of FVPC Ministries and Missions in 2022
This is what YOUR time, talent and pledges/offerings to FVPC have supported this past year…truly Grace in Action!
A list of just some of the programs/activities of FVPC in 2022:
Volunteering at Feed My Starving Children
Efforts served with our time, talent, and treasure
South Shore Drill Team
Church World Services—disaster relief
Lazarus House
Community Dinners
Fox River Valley Initiative: advocating for gun safety, affordable housing, mental health
Supporting Fox Valley Pride, now Belong: Fox Valley, in support of LGBTQIA+ activities in the community - Pride in the Park Family Picnic, National Coming Out Day Party
Rebuilding Together Aurora
Holy Trinity Church, Elgin – meals for those experiencing houselessness
Courts and Ports Adult Go ’n’ Serve– learning about the refugee crisis
Living Waters for the World
Northern Illinois Food Bank
CHIP - Community Helpers Impacting People in Need
Salvation Army and Batavia Interfaith food pantries
Deacons' twice-yearly blood drive
Feed My Starving Children
CASA-court appointed special advocates for children
Marching in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in St. Charles
Partners supported financially
Tri-City Family Services
Faith in Place environmental organization
Fox Valley Hands of Hope
Mutual Ground
Helping Hands and Caring Hearts
The summer Eco Walk sponsored by the Earth Stewardship Committee
Caring for our youth and children
Go ‘N Serve mission trip
Sunday morning Bible study and Confirmation classes
Movies and discussion, bowling and more
Care packages for our college students
Packing Lazarus House lunches
Scavenger hunts, pumpkin decorating
Learning how to put on a Community Dinner – and serving
Volunteering at World Relief
Christmas gift bags for those incarcerated at Kane County jail
Participating in worship through music
Learning about Goldfinch Café
Souper Bowl of Caring mission activity
Packing meals for Feed My Starving Children
Trivia Night fundraiser
Marching in St. Patrick’s Day Parade (with other church members)
Sending Easter cards to our college students
Hosting spring flower sale fundraiser
Holding two food bank days at the Northern Illinois Food Ban
Making blankets for CASA children
Collecting candy for the Christmas Party for the residents of the Elgin Mental Health Center
Helping to organize World Relief's donation closet to assist with the influx of refugees
Making Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas placements for the residents of the Michaelson Center
Planting flowers and delivering them to the residents of Bria nursing home
Youth representatives serving on Session, Deacons, Mission Committee, Children’s Ministry Committee, Youth Ministry Committee, Earth Stewardship Committee, More Light Task Force, Associate Pastor Nominating Committee and Music Search Committee
The Growing Place Preschool
Sunday School for three-year-olds through fifth graders
Nursery care
Youth collecting food and money donations for the Souper Bowl of Caring
Celebrating, learning and worshipping together
Sunday worship services at 8:00 and 10:15 am weekly
Communion on first Sundays of each month and during special services
Music – Chancel Choir, Joyful Noise Handbell Choir, ensembles, soloists, instrumentalists
South Shore Drill Team liturgical dancing in worship
Weekly Bible studies and book discussions for adults
Four baptisms
Four confirmands
12 new members welcomed
Celebrating our high school graduates
Spring Fling celebration of being back together
Return of the golf outing fundraiser
Welcoming Music Director Christopher Jackson
Retirement celebration for Pastor Melinda
Welcoming Pastor Becky
JOY (Just Older Youth) activities monthly
Small group gatherings
ECO Walks for all ages - celebrating nature
Dorcas Circle meeting again at church
Return of the Deacons' picnic
Pastor Michelle and the children on Easter Sunday