Jill Reilly


Giving Options

Thank you for your steadfast faithfulness in giving to Fox Valley Presbyterian Church. Your gifts are making our continuation of ministry and our growth of mission possible. Here are ways to make recurring or one-time gifts:

1.   Online Giving – You may set up a one-time gift or a recurring gift. Currently you may direct your gift to several different funds through the drop down box on the first page (general, pledge, capital campaign, per capita). If you would like your gift to be directed to something different, select “general” and then email Jill Reilly and let her know where you would like your gift applied. On the confirmation page there is a box that you can select to add 2.2% to your gift to help contribute to the processing costs related to using the online giving platform. Your gift is posted directly to our checking account in two days for credit card gifts and in approximately five days if you pay via ACH through your bank account.

2.   Automatic Bill Pay – By setting up bill pay through your own bank, you will have the option to make a one-time gift or a recurring gift. Your bank will mail a physical check to the church. This method costs nothing to you or the church. 

3.   Mail – You can mail your check (no cash, please) to the church at 227 East Side Drive, Geneva IL 60134.

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