Current COVID-19 Prevention Policies
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Fox Valley Presbyterian Church has been committed to adapting our church’s ministries and missions to help us live our core values of loving, growing, and serving together, even if the “together” has been in spirit, not in person. We have done our best to balance inclusion, safety, and the relational needs of our congregation and community, adapting to the situation as best as we can with technology and prayer.
Now that we are beginning to add in-person ministries back into our congregational life this is where you can find information about our current protocols for different kinds of activities.
Updated March 8, 2022 with changes made at the February 22, 2022 Session meeting
Worship will be offered in both on-line and in-person formats. The on-line format will be a livestream of what is taking place in person, typically the 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning worship service. In addition to the livestream, the service is archived indefinitely on our YouTube and Facebook pages and visible for about four weeks on our “Watch Sermons” page. Bulletins for use with these services are emailed to the entire church mailing list on Sunday morning. Please sign up for our newsletter if you don’t receive these currently.
In-person services take place in our sanctuary at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. on Sunday morning.
Masks are are no longer required for participants in indoor activities. However, FVPC will continue to support those individuals who feel more comfortable wearing masks and provide masks at the door for distribution.
Singing is currently allowed by the whole congregation, as well as in choirs or ensembles. Mask use for choir members is an individual choice. Vaccination is preferred for those who sing and rehearse in the choir or ensembles.
Communion will be served by vaccinated communion servers on the first Sunday of the month. Cut pieces of bread and a common cup for intinction (dipping) will be served from the front of the sanctuary. Pre-packaged communion elements are also available for those who prefer an individually packaged option. Please notify an usher at any time if you would like a communion element package.
For information about worship, contact Pastor Stephanie Anthony.
Pastoral Care
The pastoral staff team have resumed in-person visits for those in need of pastoral care.
We are all fully vaccinated and will wear masks if requested or for our own comfort.
You can contact us by calling the church office, 630-232-7448, or via email to let us know of a pastoral care need.
To request pastoral care, contact Pastor Stephanie Anthony or Pastor Michelle Hwang.
Church Office
The church office is open and staff are available in the building. Appointments are preferred. Normal church business hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or by appointment.
Individual staff members schedule their own appointments.
Education, Mission, and Fellowship
Masks are no longer required for participants in indoor activities. However, FVPC will continue to support those individuals who feel more comfortable wearing masks and provide masks at the door for distribution.
Activities for all ages are taking place at this time. The best way to get up-to-date information about our current offerings is to subscribe to our church newsletter.
Church groups may reserve space inside the building according to these current building use policies. Please contact Gerry Reed in the church office for more information.
Church groups may reserve space outside the building according to these current outdoor space policies. Please contact Gerry Reed in the church office for more information.
For information about children, youth, and family ministries, contact Pastor Stephanie Anthony.
For information about adult ministries, contact Pastor Michelle Hwang.
The elected leadership of Fox Valley Presbyterian Church meetings monthly on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Changes in policies and procedures, if any, will typically be announced in the week following this meeting.