Critical Cultural Competency (CCC) helps us understand that we are all cultural beings, shaped by the socially constructed groups we are a part of and that each of us has multiple sites of cultural shaping (race, generation, gender, sexuality, class, geography, language, etc). CCC also helps to both name and interrupt these dynamics, not by learning about cultural differences and similarities of every group, but by reflecting on how we are shaped by the socially constructed groups we belong to and recognizing that some groups have more power in society than others. Facilitators from Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (ROAR) will lead us in a workshop designed to help participants create the spaces to be self-reflective about our cultural shaping as individuals and institutions, understand the power dynamics in society that impact us, develop the skills to interrupt old patterns and inequitable practices that limit access and exclude some people from our institutions, build trust and clear communication and begin to understand how to make decisions based on multiple perspectives where all people can be heard and represented.
On-line registration for this event has closed. Please call the church office to speak with Pastor Stephanie if you would like to attend, (630) 232-7448.